Our Teaching & Performing Improvisation Team
The Best In The World At Teaching and Performing Improvisation
Meet the team of corporate workhorses, grinding out the day to day, that you will interface with when designing your engagement.
Bob Kulhan
CEO, Senior Faculty & Founder
Josh Pryor
Chief Operating Officer
David Marshall
Operations Manager
Director of Digital Development
Core Faculty
With members located in Chicago, New York, & Los Angeles, the Business Improvisations® team is “Tri-Coastal”.
We have the ability to assemble more than 100 of the nation’s best improvisers and facilitate multiple, complex programs on the same day. The Business Improvisations® instructors are masters of their trade and have traveled the world performing improv and facilitating improvisation workshops. Business Improv® facilitators are selected for their experience teaching improvisation to managers as well as their passion for, commitment to, and knowledge of the art of improvisation.
They must be the best in the world at teaching and performing improvisation. Then, each improv facilitator is carefully trained to tune their approach to the needs and interests of our clients – business executives.
Kate Duffy
Core Faculty and Solutions Designer
Jessica Eason
Core Faculty and Solutions Designer
Molly Erdman
Core Faculty and Solutions Designer
Sean Monahan
Core Faculty and Solutions Designer
Robyn Lynne Norris
Core Faculty and Solutions Designer
Marion Oberle
Core Faculty and Solutions Designer
Cesar Jamie
Core Faculty and Solutions Designer
Pat Shay
Core Faculty and Solutions Designer
Scot Robinson
Core Faculty and Solutions Designer