Library of Offerings
Management and Leadership Training Programs Designed to Your Needs
For well more than two decades, Business Improv has been creating, designing, and developing custom curriculum. From original exercises and unique programs, to writing our how to book, to pioneering virtual experiential learning, to being the first in our field to create a self-paced, online program, we create programs that serve our clients’ wants and needs and reach the defined return on investment.
At our core, the Business Improvisations® programs and team are a behavior change and culture change organization. We excel at creating teams that are rooted in cohesion, chemistry, and trust and embrace uncertainty.
We will help you develop your team, whether that is in-person, fully virtual, or hybrid, so you are prepared for the future and ready for the next challenges.
Regardless of how our programs are delivered, we work on the foundation of ESP –
Experiential (fun, high-energy, engaging)
Science-based (behavioral psychology, organizational theory, behavioral economics)
People-based (relationship-based & human connection)
Science-based (behavioral psychology, organizational theory, behavioral economics)
People-based (relationship-based & human connection)
We deliver an on-going learning experience which includes:
- In-Person and Virtual Sessions (live and synchronous),
- Online (self-paced and asynchronous),
- Coaching (one-on-on and small group),
- Microlearnings & Quick Bumps,
- Improv Comedy Shows, and
- Pull-Through Support.
Business Improv’s programs are a dynamic combination of up-on-your-feet experiential learning exercises, case studies, high-energy discussions, and custom simulations to real-world challenges. Our programs are designed for your individual needs and your audience, which can include:
- Board of Directors
- C-Suite & Executive
- Senior Executive
- Directors
- Mid-Level Manager
- High Potential & Emerging Leaders
- Onboarding and New Hire
- Hourly Employees
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Train-the-Trainer
Here is a high-level tasting menu of some of our most sought-after programming. This Library of Offerings is not exhaustive, yet it is an excellent resource for you to explore before talking to one of our experts.
Tell us what you want – in-person, virtual or hybrid – and we’ll make it happen!

High Functioning Virtual Teams
- In-Person VS Virtual VS Hybrid Teams
- Building Trust
- Engagement, Inclusion & Participation
- Cultivating Relationships
- Designing Cohesion & Chemistry
- Burning and Morale
- Reinforce the Vital “We”
- Building and Strengthening Adaptive Teams
- Creating Psychological Safety Virtually
Communication & Collaboration
- In-Person VS Virtual VS Hybrid Teams
- Teaming & Working with Diverse Groups
- Celebrating Diverse Perspectives
- Postponing Judgement
- Active Listening & Seeking to Understand
- Reading Nonverbal Communication
- Adaptive Problem Solving
- Leveling Status
- Creating Psychological Safety Virtually
- Joint Problem Solving
Creativity & Agility
- Collaboration & Communication
- In-Person VS Virtual & Hybrid – what we’ve learned in 22+ years
- Creativity VS Innovation
- Agility & Adaptability
- Rapid Decision Making
- Creative Problem Solving
- Leveling Status
- Creating Psychological Safety (In-Person and Virtually)
- Strategic Risk Tasking – Embracing Thoughtful Failure
Leading Through Disruption
- Change & VUCA
- Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone – Getting comfortable being uncomfortable
- Pivoting – Embracing Change within Strategic Direction
- Motivation & Alignment
- Developing Agents of Change
- Top-Down, Bottom-Up & Across
- Avoiding Pitfalls of Leading Change
- Busting Silos in a Hybrid World
- Accountability and Taking Ownership
- Guiding Sustainable Organizational Change
Relationship Building & Connection
- Listening to Understand
- Reading Nonverbal Communication
- Selflessness & Compassion
- Collaborative Relationship Building
- Conversational Finesse – Pivoting Skills for Meaningful Conversations
- Social Reintegration
- The Art of Small Talk – virtually versus in-person
- Cultivating Relationships: In-Person, Virtual & Hybrid
- EQ vs IQ
- Framing & Influence in the Virtual / Hybrid World
Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations
- In-Person VS Virtual VS Hybrid Teams
- Constructive versus Destructive
- Stress Behaviors (recognition & understanding)
- Meaningful and Healthy Debate
- Critical Feedback in Virtual Arenas
- Managing Tension
- Busting Silos in a Hybrid World
- Turning a Loss into a Lead
- Joint Problem Solving
- Reconciliation & Relationship Building
Selling (Virtual, Hybrid & In-Person)
- Comfort, Confidence & Candor
- Cultivating Your Virtual Brand
- Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
- Mindfulness
- Agile Communication
- Customer First – Collaboration Relationship Building
- Conversational Story Telling & Influence
- The Art of Saying “No”
- Turning a Loss into a Lead
- Pivoting – Knowing When & How To Do It
Pitching, Presenting & Influence (Virtual, Hybrid & In-Person)
- Comfort, Confidence & Candor
- Authentic Virtual Presence & Engagement
- Energy Manipulation for the Introvert AND Extrovert
- “Reading the Virtual Room”
- Dealing with Unexpected Changes / Distractions & Opportunities
- Delivering Redundant Messages with Genuine Excitement
- Making Connections and Building Relationships
- Influence: Creating Pitches that Stick & Messages that Pack a Punch
- Reinventing the Pitch for the Virtual Elevator
- Group / Team Pitches & Presentations
- Story Telling: Making Messages Memorable
Storytelling & Influence (Virtual, Hybrid & In-Person)
- Comfort, Confidence & Candor
- Unlocking Creativity to Find the Story
- The Skill of Crafting Stories – Secrets from an author and a sketch comedian
- Stats to Stories – Turning Data into Meaningful Stories
- Reinventing the Pitch for the Virtual Elevator
- Story Telling & Influence – Engaging stories and simple memorable messages
- Delivering Redundant Stories Virtually with Genuine Excitement
- Agile & Adaptable Storytelling
- Conversational Storytelling
- Group Storytelling
Creating An Adaptable Culture (Virtual, Hybrid & In-Person)
- People Skills. Human Connection.
- Sensitivity to How, When and Where People Work
- Burnout & Retention – Building Morale During Disruption
- Resilience, Mental Health & Well-Being
- Engagement & “Zoom Fatigue”
- Onboarding & Developing Talent in a Hybrid Culture
- Breaking Down Virtual Silos (when visual cues are less present)
- Handling Disruption & Unpredictability
- Psychological Safety & Strategic Risk Taking
- Stability and Longevity: Creating the Foundation and Architecture for Long-Term Success
Don’t see what you’re looking for? This is a small sample of what we can fit on one page. Contact us to discuss our full Library of Offerings.