Corporate Retreats & Team Building
Partnering for Corporate Retreats
If the purpose of your retreats is to cultivate trust and connection, increase engagement, motivate your team, build people skills like communication, collaboration and creativity, or boost employee morale, then we are a training partner that can help you show your employees how valuable they are to you. Our leaders are experts at respectfully nudging employees out of their stress bubble and into the right headspace to develop meaningful interpersonal relationships in a fun and non-demanding environment. Let’s laugh every step of the way as we equip your team with actionable tips for them to develop themselves for years to come.
Why Choose Business Improv For Your Next Retreat
Investment In People
Benefits of Business Improv

Investment In People
If a retreat is an investment in human capital, then let’s partner to maximize the return on this important investment.
- Turnover – The adage “People don’t quit companies, they quit people” has never been more true and ‘The Great Resignation’ within this pandemic is demonstrating that. “…workers are taking decisions to leave based on how their employers treated them – or didn’t treat them – during the pandemic. Ultimately, workers stayed at companies that offered support, and darted from those that didn’t.”
- Retention – Companies that conduct regular retreats usually report reduced staff turnover.
- Happiness – In the recent past—even before the pandemic—there have been no shortage of articles, white papers and books written about the impact employee morale and happiness has on everything from reduced attrition to profitability.

Benefits of Business Improv Corporate Retreats
- It is super fun, funny and memorable
- Strengthens people skills like: communication, collaboration, adaptability and creativity
- Builds morale, increasing motivation and engagement
- Connects co-workers on a human level
- Helps to reduce turnover by providing a valuable (fun and memorable) experience
- Makes you look like a Rockstar for bringing us in
We are masters at galvanizing Business Improv techniques in real world outcomes. We apply every element of what we described above for an ROI aimed toward complex strategy, execution levels, leadership development, and so much more. We can show you how a company retreat can be an incredibly fun, deep team bonding experience and still yield human capital returns for years!

Start the Conversation Today
The future of your organization is based on the training you do today. This is an awesome responsibility that we fully embrace. Our mission is to make you look like a genius for bringing us in.
No matter how long your team has been virtual, our comprehensive library of digital offerings is suitable for any individual, team, or organization. And like our in-person offerings, we customize the experience completely around you, your unique team, and your specific goals.