Jessica Eason
Core Faculty and Solutions Designer

Jessica Eason (Core Faculty and Solutions Designer) attended the Boston Conservatory and the New Actors Workshop. Jessica has studied improvisation under Paul Sills, Armando Diaz, Amy Poehler and Shira Piven. She also travels the country teaching workshops with her improv company Neutrino and performs with the improv groups Ms Jackson and Jakijesu at the Magnet Theatre and the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in New York City and Los Angeles. Jessica has also led Business Improv® On-Site, Virtual (synchronous), Online (asynchronous) programs, Hybrid (both), and Open Enrollment programs at Duke University Fuqua School of Business, Duke School of Law, Columbia Business School (MBA & Executive Education), UCLA Anderson School of Management (MBA & Executive Education), the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), Korn Ferry, PwC, Progressive, DuPont, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Neutrogena, AstraZeneca, Amgen, Lockheed Martin, and many more Fortune 500 clients.
For additional Business Improv material, please take a look at the book ‘GETTING TO YES AND’, by Bob Kulhan, Stanford University Press, January 2017.