Kate Duffy
Core Faculty and Solutions Designer

Kate Duffy has spent the last decade and a half linking improvisation to business through the behavioral sciences as a Senior Core Faculty and Solutions Provider of Business Improv®. In addition to being an elite improv actor (27 years), Kate has 18 years’ experience in the adult development and education arena. She has worked directly with clients over the years, to achieve desired business results through a committed focus on the learning and development of their people. In this capacity, she has conducted research, designed and developed integrated learning systems, engaged and coached senior leadership, facilitated training, and built long-term relationships with customers. Since 2005, Duffy has lead Business Improv On-Site, Virtual (synchronous), Online (asynchronous) programs, Hybrid (both), and Open Enrollment programs for a number of companies, b-schools and organizations, including the Duke Fuqua School of Business, Duke Law School, UCLA Anderson School of Management, Columbia Business School, PwC, TD Ameritrade, Glaxo Smith Kline, DuPont, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Neutrogena, Progressive, GOOGLE, Capital One, WebMD and the Heart of Leaders Institute, as well as many other Fortune 500 companies.
For additional Business Improv material, please take a look at the book ‘GETTING TO YES AND’, by Bob Kulhan, Stanford University Press, January 2017.